How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for BV

An imbalance in vaginal bacteria often causes a condition called bacterial vaginosis, or BV. BV is characterized by discharge from the vagina accompanied by several symptoms such as itching, burning sensation, and swelling. Most commonly, BV occurs because the regular acidity of the vagina is disrupted, leading to a lower pH than normal. To remedy this, apple cider vinegar can be applied to the vaginal area to restore the normal pH balance, creating a better environment for good bacteria. However, apple cider vinegar is only a temporary remedy for quick relief. Recurring BV should be treated by a doctor immediately.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for BV

1. Douching

Mix two cups of water with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Put the mixture in a douching bag and perform the douching process. For the best results, this should be done every day until the BV is gone completely. In most cases, this can take about as quickly as one week or as long as two weeks. Don't be tempted to rush the process with excess douching as douching too often or using too much apple cider vinegar will wash away not only bad bacteria, but good bacteria as well.

2. Bathing

To run an ACV bath, first make sure your bathtub is clean. Fill it with a shallow pool of warm water and mix in roughly one cup of apple cider vinegar. The exact measurements should vary depending on how much water there is in the tub, but generally, a safe amount would be roughly 100 to 250 ml. Once the bath is ready, simply soak in it like you would do in a normal bath. However, make sure to limit it to around 20 minutes, as overdoing it can increase the vagina's pH too much.

3. Tampon Soak

Another alternative to douching would be to soak a tampon in a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar. Leave the tampon in your vagina overnight and immediately dispose of it the next morning. Do this every night until your symptoms disappear.

Other Women's Reviews on Apple Cider Vinegar for BV

“My method for using apple cider vinegar was to push a tampon halfway out of the applicator and then dip it in a 1:2 mixture of water and ACV. I was careful not to push the tampon out too much so I wouldn’t have difficulty inserting it into my vagina. After just the first night, I noticed immediate results – my vaginal area did not smell as foul, and the discharge looked more normal as well. However, when I stopped doing this every night, my BV was unfortunately quick to return.”

“I’ve suffered from BV since I was 14. Lately, I also contracted a yeast infection which upset my stomach and vaginal flora, causing extreme discomfort and foul odors. Being desperate, I tried the apple cider vinegar remedy. I first showered and douched using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water to get rid of the bad bacteria, and afterwards, I douched with a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar to bring my pH back to normal. This method was effective as it got rid of the foul odor and kept me feeling fresh.”

“To treat my BV, I use Flagyl-prescription recommended by my doctor. To be safe, I also use apple cider vinegar for BV every once in a while. Every time my menstrual cycle ends, I soak a tampon in ACV and leave it in my vagina overnight. So far, this has been very effective and has given me a fresh and clean feeling. However, I still take my doctor's prescriptions seriously.”

More Remedies for BV

1. Take an Oatmeal Bath. One of the most popular remedies for itching is natural colloidal oatmeal. Fill up your tub with warm water and add in some oatmeal before soaking for about 10-20 minutes for instant comfort and relief.

2. Try Plain Yogurt. Eating yogurt is effective in replenishing good bacteria to balance the vagina's acidity. You can also apply yogurt directly on the infected area and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes. Do this daily until the discomfort wears off completely.

3. Check Out Boric Acid Powder. Boric acid powder works well in combatting fungus, virus, and sepsis to avoid infections. It's safe enough to use it on your face and eyes, so trying it out to treat BV won't hurt. 

4. Eat Garlic. Garlic is both an anti-yeast and anti-fungal substance and works well to prevent bad bacteria from developing. Try incorporating a clove of raw garlic into your daily diet if you want to get rid of BV. There are lots of different recipes to try so there's nothing to worry about even if you're a picky eater.

5. Take Probiotics. Probiotics can naturally be found in the vagina to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. If you have BV, you might also have a probiotic deficiency. Try taking capsules or supplements to restore balance to your probiotic levels.

6. Wash with Tea Tree Oil. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with lukewarm water and use this to wash your vaginal area. This is an effective remedy because tea tree oil has been known to naturally combat bacteria.

7. Use Hydrogen Peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is known as a natural disinfectant and can be used just like apple cider vinegar for BV. Create a solution out of equal parts of water and 3% hydrogen peroxide, and use this either as a douche or to soak a tampon which you can leave in your vagina for no more than 30 minutes.

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