Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Bleeding Between Periods?

Spotting or a small amount of blood from your vaginal tract usually does not indicate any serious problem. In fact, it is quite common in your childbearing years. You may need to see your doctor if you notice spotting after menopause. This could be the result of an infection, such as bacterial vaginosis (BV). You may also develop infections by engaging in the unprotected sexual act.

Can BV Cause Bleeding between Periods?

It is possible, but spotting is not a common symptom of BV. However, you may develop the pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) if you do not seek treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal bleeding is a common symptom of PID, and you are more likely to notice bleeding during or after sexual intercourse.

You may also have vaginal bleeding due to many different medical conditions. It could be the result of an infection or have something to do with your reproductive system. Any hormonal issue may also lead to bleeding between periods. However, you should also bear in mind that it is quite normal to have light bleeding before menstruating – this is especially true for teenagers who have just started their cycle. It is also normal to see spotting after beginning contraceptive pills – you may also have occasional spotting when taking birth control.

Can BV cause bleeding between periods? It is quite unlikely but is certainly possible. However, if you have bacterial vaginosis, you will also have a discharge with a foul odor. If you do not have any vaginal discharge, your vaginal bleeding could be due to something else.

Conditions That Do Cause Bleeding Between Periods

As mentioned already, many health conditions can lead to vaginal bleeding. This could happen in the following cases:

1. Hormonal Imbalance

Two hormones – estrogen and progesterone – regulate your menstrual cycle, so any fluctuations in the levels of these hormones could lead to spotting. Hormonal fluctuations could be the result of environmental stress, diet, or birth control pills.

2. Cancer

Vaginal bleeding might indicate cancer of the uterus and cervix. You usually notice no early symptom and have bleeding when the cancer is already at an advanced stage. Along with bleeding, you may also notice a foul smell, especially before bleeding occurs. Infection with HPV, tobacco use, and certainly sexual behaviors increase your risk of developing cancer of the cervix.

3. Von Willerbrand Disease

This refers to a hereditary condition in which you have problems with blood coagulation. You usually have no symptoms, but it is possible to have increased menstrual flow along with bleeding in the stool, gums, and the nose.

4. Pregnancy Problems

Can BV cause bleeding between periods? Not likely. Spotting could be the result of pregnancy complications. It is quite common in women with ectopic pregnancy or miscarriages. If you are pregnant and experience bleeding after week 6, it can be a sign of miscarriage.

5. Birth Control Pills

Contraceptive pills can lead to hormonal imbalances, especially if you have just started taking the pills. The reason is that these pills, as well as hormonal birth control rings, contain some synthetic estrogen and progestin. These hormones can cause an imbalance in the body, which may be the reason why you experience occasional bleeding.

6. Ovulation Spotting

Sometimes, spotting or mild vaginal bleeding 10-14 days before your menstrual cycle indicates ovulation bleeding. You experience it because the ovarian follicle bursts after releasing the ovary. Keep in mind that not every woman will experience ovulation spotting.

7. Thrush

Can BV cause bleeding between periods? It may or may not, but you will certainly have vaginal spotting due to vaginal thrush. Caused by candida albicans, vaginal thrush is a yeast infection leading to the inflammation of the vagina or the vulva. The use of antibacterial corticosteroids increases your risk for vaginal thrush.

8. Sexually Transmitted Infections

Any infection in the reproductive organs can also cause vaginal bleeding. You can get these infections while engaging in sexual intercourse. A sexually transmitted infection may also be the result of douching.

When to See a Doctor

You already know that many medical conditions can cause vaginal bleeding. Though you do not always need to worry about spotting, it is sometimes important to have it investigated properly. You usually have nothing to worry if you have just started menstruation and experience occasional spotting. Things will get better once your cycle becomes regular. You may experience spotting a couple of days before the start of your period.

However, you should seek medical attention in the following situations:

  • If your daughter has not yet entered puberty but has experienced spotting
  • If you are expecting and noticed vaginal bleeding
  • If you are a post-menopausal woman and on cyclic hormone replacement therapy
  • If you are taking hormone replacement therapy and experience bleeding after six months

Other than this, you should talk to your doctor if you cannot pinpoint the cause of vaginal bleeding. Whenever in doubt, it is better to seek medical assistance. Your doctor will consider your symptoms and look for other signs to make a correct diagnosis.

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