Bone Cancer Life Expectancy

Life expectancy of bone cancer depends on a number of factors. The incidence of bone cancer in the United States is around 2,970 people or about 0.2% of the population. There are different forms of bone cancer, each with its own life expectancy.

Any type of cancer is a rapid growth cycle in the cells. When you have bone cancer, the bone cells have begun to rapidly divide and grow. Bone cancer can come from two different sources; the actual bones (primary bone cancer), or from another place in the body (secondary bone cancer).

Primary Bone Cancer Life Expectancy

The survival rates for bone cancer largely depend on the type of bone cancer. Survival rates for any type of cancer are explained in 5-year survival rates. This means the percentage is calculated from people who have lived for 5 years after their diagnosis. 5-year survival rates do not take into account other causes of death, not due to cancer. While the overall bone cancer survival rate is around 70%, it depends on the type and stage of the cancer.

1.    Chondrosarcoma

Life Expectancy: For lower grade tumors, the bone cancer life expectancy for chondrosarcoma is around 90% 5 years after diagnosis. If the tumor is at an aggressive stage, the survival rate is 10% one year after diagnosis.

This type of bone cancer begins in the cells that make cartilage. These cancers are grouped with tumors that affect the bones and soft tissues around them and are known as sarcomas. These chondrosarcomas make up about 30% of all bone cancers. Chondrosarcoma can affect children, teenagers, and adults.

2.    Osteosarcoma

Life Expectancy: The life expectancy for Stage I is 90% 5 years after diagnosis. At stage II, the 5-year survival rate is 40%, and for Stage III, the 5-year survival rate is still promising at 30%.

This is actual cancer of the bone and can be very aggressive. This is a very common form of bone cancer and happens often in kids and younger adults. The early cells that build the bones transform very early on into a sarcoma. The cancer cells then go through more changes and invade the healthy bone cells.

3.    Ewing’s Sarcoma

Life Expectancy: When Ewing's sarcoma is treated with chemotherapy, there is a 70 to 80% survival rate 5 years after diagnosis. If the cancer spreads, there is a 10 to 30% survival rate after 5 years.

This is a rare type of bone cancer that invades both the bones and the surrounding soft tissue. It is most often found in the pelvic bones, the humerus, ribs, collar bone, and femur. Researchers are focusing on a genetic link with this type of cancer. It is most often found in kids and younger adults.

4.    Chordoma

Life Expectancy: The average bone cancer life expectancy for a chordoma is around 7 years after diagnosis. This is because they can be hard to diagnose and treat. The 5-year survival rate is 68%. At 10-years the survival rate is 40%, and 20-year is 13%.

This type of cancer starts in the brain and top of the spine and can move all the way down to the tailbone. It starts in the cells of leftover fetal tissue called the notochord that was present early in the fetal development process. Some chordomas can actually form as a brain tumor, but it isn't brain cancer since the cells are not from the brain. Even though the cancer starts in fetal cells, it is usually found between the ages of 49 and 69.

5.    Fibrosarcoma

Life Expectancy: Fibrosarcoma has a slightly lower survival rate coming in at 65% 5 years after diagnosis. In later stages, life expectancy is lower than 30% and only 10% survival rate 10 years after diagnosis. The good news is that the survival rate can be higher than 50% over the long-term.

Fibroblasts are part of the collagen network that surrounds and protect bones. This type of cancer usually affects the fibroblasts surrounding the mandible, femur, and tibia. It is most often found in 30 to 40-year-old males.

6.    Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma

Life Expectancy: The life expectancy for malignant fibrous histiocytoma is 34 to 70% 5 years after diagnosis. The best outcomes are, if you are less than age 60, have a small tumor, and the disease has not progressed to other areas. The lower numbers are usually the result of larger tumors and advanced age.

This is not always a bone cancer, but can begin in the bones. It almost always begins in soft tissues near bone or other organs, but can still be considered a type of primary bone cancer.

Secondary Bone Cancer Life Expectancy

Secondary bone cancer happens when cancer from another part of the body spreads into the bones. This is actually a very advanced stage of the primary cancer and usually signals the original cancer is or has become aggressive. With this in mind, secondary bone cancer may have a poor prognosis and survival rate. However, it may still be treatable.

The secondary bone cancer life expectancy is usually around 2 to 3 years if caught early on with proper treatments and therapy. It all depends on how healthy you are, type of the cancer, what stage the primary cancer is, and how aggressively the primary cancer is. In addition, the support from family and friends also matters.

Ways to Increase the Life Expectancy

If you have primary bone cancer or secondary bone cancer that has spread to your bones from another place, there are things you can do to try and increase your life expectancy besides bone cancer treatment. These include:

  • Find a research trial. At most major cancer centers and major medical centers, researchers are experimenting with new and improved cancer medications. Call a medical university in your area to see what research trials are taking place.
  • ŸEngage in a healthy lifestyle. Quit smoking. Decrease alcohol consumption. Start exercising. Eat a healthy and natural diet. These things are all very important to prevent stress on the body. Physical stress on your body can aggravate the growth of cancer cells.
  • ŸIncrease antioxidant foods. Eat foods that help clear free radicals from your body and lower oxidative stress. These foods include berries in every color, artichokes, russet potatoes, and beans.
  • ŸGet enough rest. Your body needs energy to fight. Make sure you are taking rest periods during the day and at least 8 to 10 hours sleep every night.
  • Join a support group. Not only with bone cancer life expectancy, but all cancer patients show improved health and response to treatment after joining cancer support groups. Find a group in your area with people who share the same diagnosis.
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