When Do Girls Stop Growing?

There are many factors that can affect a person's height and growth, such as their environment, lifestyle and genes. The average height of an American woman is around 64.3 inches, or 163.5 cm. But, when do girls stop growing? Is it during puberty? Will they continue to grow in their adult life? Read on to find the answers and get more interesting facts about girl's growing.

When Do Girls Stop Growing in Height?

In most cases, girls will discontinue growth at the end of puberty, or sexual development. This is because the hormones and nutrients used for growth during this period have reached their maximum potential. 

It is most common for girls to hit their greatest growth spurt before the onset of menstruation. Once a girl's period starts, which is usually around the age of twelve and a half, girls usually gain around two inches of height a year, and often reach their final adult height at the age of fifteen or sixteen. These numbers can easily vary on a case by case, depending on numerous factors like when the puberty begins.

How to Grow to Your Full Height During Puberty

So, you have known the answer to "When do girls stop growing?" want to be as high as possible like those models are? There are certain things you can do to maximize your potential in relation to the height you grow during your adolescence. Ensure to follow the suggestions below during puberty:

1. Have a Balanced Diet

Ensuring to maintain a balanced diet with a sensible mix of vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, zinc and other minerals will help to maximize your growth. You should eat at least three meals a day, or six smaller meals throughout the day if possible, and try to schedule the meals at the same time each day if possible.

2. Do Exercise Regularly

There is no evidence to suggest that exercise and stretching will increase your height after your body has naturally stopped growing and your growth plates have closed. However, if you are still growing during puberty, then doing regular exercise, such as swimming, yoga and appropriate stretches, can help the growing process.

3. Have Enough Sleep

The body grows tissues at an impressive rate whilst you are asleep. This is why it’s suggested that growing teenagers need up to eleven hours of sleep per night to maximize their growth. A good night's sleep, between 8.5 to 11 hours, will promote the production of growth hormones, which will be produced most efficiently during deep sleeps.

4. Avoid Any Growth-Stunting Factors

Cigarettes, alcohol and steroids, are believed to affect growth. Avoidance of these substances will help you grow to the full height. Caffeine can also make it hard to sleep, meaning you will be unable to get sufficient rest. As mentioned in the first point, your diet is very important to pubescent growth, so malnutrition or unhealthy intake should be totally avoided.

5. Practice Good Posture

How you stand can affect your spine, which will in turn affect your height. Ensuring to maintain a good posture will help with growth. This means shoulders back with your chin high. Try to avoid slouching and hunching when sitting or walking. Even if you have finished growing, good posture can help to make you look taller.

Can I Grow More After Puberty?

If your puberty has already finished, you may want to know whether you can still grow. Well, although in most cases, it is uncommon for a person to continue to grow after puberty, there are some instances where it can be possible. The factors that can contribute to these instances include:

  • ŸPlate Power.In some cases, a child reaching sexual maturity and finishing puberty does not mean that their bodies discontinue growing, which is more often true in boys, whose growths plates can remain open for up to two years more than girls. Thus, some people continue to grow into their early twenties.
  • ŸGrowing Glands. The pituitary gland is responsible for producing the human growth hormone that stimulates growth during puberty. Those who have a more active gland will experience longer periods of growth. What's more, over production of the human growth hormone can delay the growth plates from closing.

When Do Girls Stop Growing Breasts?

Breast development can begin anywhere from the age of seven to thirteen. The exact time varies person by person. Breasts generally stop growing around the age of seventeen to eighteen, although it is entirely dependent upon the individual. The rate and amount of growth, as well as when the development begins, all depend on a person's body, genes and hormonal levels. It is also not uncommon for a woman’s breasts to get larger during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, as not all women have children, the average age that a woman’s breasts stop growing is generally thought to be in her late teens. If you want to know how to make your breast grow fast, you can click HERE to find answers.

Other Changes to Your Body During Puberty

Along with growth spurts, many other changes will happen to your body during puberty. Below, some of the changes in girls are detailed and explained.

  • ŸHair growthOften regarded as the first sign of puberty, hair will begin to grow in your pubic area and armpits. The hair will most probably begin as a light colour and progressively get darker as you progress through puberty.
  • ŸBody shape changes. It is common to put on around fifteen pounds during puberty, as your bones and muscles grow and the fats in your breast, stomach, hips and thighs begin to increase. Weight gain during this time is nothing to worry about.
  • ŸSkin changes. Some people going through puberty experience spots or acnes. This is due to the increased productivity of oil and sweat producing glands. Acne can appear on your face, neck, back and chest. Ensuring to keep your skin clean will help prevent this.
  • ŸBody odor. Due to a teenager's hormones and increased sweat production, it is not uncommon to find body odor which is not there before. This can be avoided by washing regularly. 
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